About Us

Gazi University Hospital International Health Office

Contact Info

Emniyet, Mevlana Blv. No:29, 06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey



about departments

Pediatric Health and Diseases (Illnesses).

Our Department was established within the body of Ankara Academy of Economicsand Commercial Sciences at the first board meeting of the Faculty of Medicine held on 02 October 1979. The first faculty member appointed as the head of our Department was Prof. Dr. Neşet BİLALOĞLU.

After Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences Faculty of Medicinewas renamed as Gazi University Faculty of Medicine on 20 July 1982, Assoc. Dr. Rana OLGUNTÜRK has been appointed. In 1988, Prof. Dr. Enver HASANOĞLU was appointed as theDean of our faculty and served as the Head of the Department between 1988-1994.

With the opening of new service buildings in 1994 and 1995, the Pediatric Health andDiseases Polyclinics began to serve in the C Block of our hospital, and the inpatient clinicsserved in the D Block. Our department successfully carries out the education of manyspecialists and minor students and medical school students, while continuing to providescientific studies along with preventive and curative health services.

The Department is located in D Block, 10th floor, the Pediatrics Clinic consists of 44 beds in A and B corridors, the İntensive Care Unit consists of 7 beds on the same floor of D Block and the 2nd floor of D Block İnfectious Diseases Clinic has the capacity of 10 beds. Newborn Unit offers inpatient treatment services with a bed capacity of 27 beds, 24 beds in the Oncology and Hematology Clinics of Child Health and Disease Department (D Block, 15th floor). There are 117 beds serving in total, including 4 bed services in Child Emergency Unit(A Block, Ground Floor). The outpatient treatment services are given in the general PediatricHealth and Diseases clinics (E Block, -1 Floor)  and Pediatric Emergency polyclinics of 17 Departments. In addition, our Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, affiliated to ourPediatrics and Hematology Department, is on the ground floor of Block B, our Child Protection Center, Block E -1 floor, affiliated to our Social Pediatrics Unit and ourBreastfeeding Support Center Relactation Unit affiliated to our Neonatal Department is on the ground floor of Block B.

Our Department consists of 46 faculty members, 23 minor specialists, 52 researchassistants and 95 nurses.



Pediatric Allergy Department: Skin and Prick tests, food provocation tests, respiratoryfunction tests can be applied in our department. In addition, immunotherapy is given forVenom allergy.


Pediatric Emergency Department: Our department provides 24-hour uninterruptedservice, and the patients who apply are evaluated primarily and urgently by applying thetriage system. Trauma patients admitted to our service are evaluated quickly and can be consulted to the relevant departments.


Department of Child Nutrition and Metabolism: This Department is one of the fewmetabolism departments in our country, all metabolic diseases can be examined and treatedhere. Our metabolism laboratory is a reference center for the diagnosis of related diseases. Enzyme replacement therapies and apheresis methods for familial hyperlipidemia patientscan be applied regularly to many of our patients in this unit.


Pediatric Endocrinology Department: All kinds of examinations and treatments areperformed on all childhood endocrine diseases in this department, especially diabetes, thyroid dysfunctions, puberty disorders and short stature. In our unit, insulin pump therapycan be applied in childhood diabetes.


Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: In our Department where the diagnosisand treatment of all kinds of childhood infectious diseases are carried out; Annually, morethan 5,000 patients are examined on an outpatient basis, and over 300 patients are treatedas inpatients.


Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology: In our department, examination andtreatment of childhood gastroenterological diseases such as abdominal pain, reflux, diarrheaand liver diseases can be performed at the beginning. Endoscopy was performed on approximately 500 patients in 2015 in our department. Many of our patients were treated byliver transplantation, this Department carries out coordinated studies with theTransplantation Center of our hospital.


Department of Pediatric Chest Diseases: Childhood chest diseases, mainly cysticfibrosis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, can be examined and treated. Bronchoscopy and lungbiopsy can be applied to patients who are in need for these procedures.


Pediatric Hematology Department: All tests and treatments of childhood leukemia, anemia and bleeding disorders can be performed in our department. At the same time, since 2004, bone marrow transplantation can be performed for the patients in need.


Department of Pediatric Cardiology: Tests such as Holter and ECG, which are used in the diagnosis of childhood heart diseases and rhythm disorders, imaging methods such as ECO and Cardiac MRI are used, and interventional applications can be made for thetreatment of diagnosed diseases. As a result of the examination and diagnosis, our patientswho are in need can be transferred to surgery by discussing their condition in the councilwith pediatric cardiovascular surgery.


Pediatric Neurology Department: All neurological diseases of childhood can be examined and treated in our department. In this context, procedures such as EEG, video EEG, EMG can be routinely applied. In our department, an average of 10,000 outpatients areexamined annually, and EEGs of more than 3000 patients are taken.


Department of Pediatric Nephrology: In our department, examination and treatmentof childhood nephrological and rheumatological diseases can be performed. Peritonealdialysis and hemodialysis treatments can be applied to our patients in need. Our patientswith end-stage renal failure are evaluated together with the Transplantation Center of ourhospital and kidney transplantation can be performed.


Department of Pediatric Oncology: In our department, examination and treatment of childhood oncological diseases can be performed. Chemotherapy is applied to both of ouroutpatients and inpatients.


Department of Social Pediatrics: Follow-up and vaccination follow-up of healthychildren in the 0-6 age group are carried out in this department.


Neonatal Department: Our Neonatal Unit, which is affiliated to our department, is one of the most comprehensive neonatal units in our country, and advanced intensive caretreatments such as head cooling and total body cooling, nitric oxide therapy can be appliedin our unit. More than 500 newborns are hospitalized and treated annually, and especiallypremature babies are followed up in the neonatal outpatient clinic after discharge.


Department of Pediatric Intensive Care: All kinds of intensive care examination andtreatment procedures can be performed in our 7-bed intensive care unit located on the 10th floor of Block D.


Our Doctors

  • Prof. Dr. Aysu Duyan Çamurdan
  • Prof. Dr. Azime Şebnem Soysal Acar
  • Assoc. Dr. Bahar Çakır
  • Assoc. Dr. Nazmi Mutlu Karakaş
  • Assoc. Dr. Sevim Gönen
  • Assoc. Dr. Tuğba Şişmanlar Eyuboğlu
  • Dr. Lect. Özge Vural
  • Dr. Lect. Rıdvan Murat ÖKTEM