About Us

Gazi University Hospital International Health Office

Contact Info

Emniyet, Mevlana Blv. No:29, 06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Turkey



about departments

Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

​The Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Diseases became a science field in 1992 and a Department in 1996. Besides training research assistants in the field of Child and Adolescent psychiatry, our Department offers a rotational training in child psychiatry to research assistants at our university and other educational institutions. 3 faculty members, 2 psychologists, 1 social worker and 4 research assistants work at our department and receive an average of 300 patients which are treated as outpatients weekly.


  • To infants, children and adolescents who apply in our department; Psychological andcognitive assessment, counseling and treatment services for psychopathology areprovided.
  • For the mental problems of infants, children and young people between the ages of 0-18; works in cooperation with families, teachers, schools and related institutions.
  • In our department, research assistants conduct examinations of first admission andcontrol patients and continue their follow-up under the supervision of facultymembers.
  • Neuropsychological tests, intelligence tests or developmental screening tests areapplied by specialist psychologists when necessary within the scope of psychometricevaluations of children and adolescents.
  • In addition to psychopharmacological treatments, individual therapy, play therapy, family therapy, and cognitive behavioral treatments are applied in our polyclinic.
  • Social work interventions and counseling services are provided for children and theirfamilies, whose psychosocial assessment is made by the Social Worker.

Our Doctors

  • Prof. Dr. Elvan eri
  • Prof. Dr. Yasemin Taner
  • Assoc. Dr. Esra Güney
  • Dr. Faculty Member Ahmet Özaslan
  • Dr. Faculty Member Yasemin Taş Torun